Based on a True Story: The Covenant - Base where you Stand on what God Says - Week 4 [3/7/21]BasedonaTrueStory:TheCovenant-BasewhereyouStandonwhatGodSays-Week4[3/7/21]
Welcome to Paradox Church Online! We're so glad you're here!
Are you checking us out for the first time, starting or restarting a relationship with God, have questions or a personal need? Please let us know.
Follow along with message notes and verses in the Church Center app.
Find Hope, Help, & Home
Paradox is only able to provide help, hope, and a home for people in this time because of the generosity of those who give. Find out how you can give at
Based on a True Story: Trust the Process - Base you Perspective on the Big Picture - Week 3 [2/28/21]BasedonaTrueStory:TrusttheProcess-BaseyouPerspectiveontheBigPicture-Week3[2/28/21]
Welcome to Paradox Church Online! We're so glad you're here!
Are you checking us out for the first time, starting or restarting a relationship with God, have questions or a personal need? Please let us know.
Follow along with message notes and verses in the Church Center app.
Find Hope, Help, & Home
Paradox is only able to provide help, hope, and a home for people in this time because of the generosity of those who give. Find out how you can give at
Based on a True Story: The Promise - Base Your Faith on the Father - Week 2 [2/21/21]BasedonaTrueStory:ThePromise-BaseYourFaithontheFather-Week2[2/21/21]
***New Streaming Platform*** Check us out on our new streaming platform (away from the distractions of social media!) on Church Online:
Find Hope, Help, & Home @
Paradox is only able to provide help, hope, and a home for people in this time because of the generosity of those who give.
To Give Online, please visit
Checks to "Paradox Church" can be mailed to the church office.
Thank you for your support!
Based on a True Story: The Design - Base Your Identity on the Image - Week 1 [2/14/21]BasedonaTrueStory:TheDesign-BaseYourIdentityontheImage-Week1[2/14/21]
***New Streaming Platform*** Check us out on our new streaming platform (away from the distractions of social media!) on Church Online:
Find Hope, Help, & Home @
Paradox is only able to provide help, hope, and a home for people in this time because of the generosity of those who give.
To Give Online, please visit
Checks to "Paradox Church" can be mailed to the church office.
Thank you for your support!
Based on a True Story
- 1.Based on a True Story: The Design - Base Your Identity on the Image - Week 1 [2/14/21]
02/14/21 - 2.Based on a True Story: The Promise - Base Your Faith on the Father - Week 2 [2/21/21]
02/21/21 - 3.Based on a True Story: Trust the Process - Base you Perspective on the Big Picture - Week 3 [2/28/21]