Serving OpportunitiesServingOpportunities
Volunteers are the lifeblood of Paradox Church. Without those willing to share the time and talents God has given them, we could never fulfill our mission to reach people far from God and lead them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus. On any given Sunday, it takes about 50 people to make Paradox’s services happen. There are also many support activities, community building programs, and outreach events that require volunteer involvement during the week.
Below are snapshots of ministries that are always looking for new volunteers. Most have “first serve” opportunities that are a great way to test the waters with low-commitment tasks to get you started. If you see something that interests you, contact that ministry lead at the email provided. If you have any general questions, or would like some more background information, please contact
Discover how your unique S.H.A.P.E. (Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences) equips you to serve and make a difference in our community. Tap below to explore your God-given design and find your place in building His kingdom!
We don't want anyone or anything slipping through the cracks, and the admin team helps get things done. If you are task-oriented, our Administration team could use you with things like project management, creating printed materials, returning calls and emails, and more.
For info, email
Know what makes church really boring? When you fall asleep! Our Café team works to provide guests with a steady supply of hot coffee and baked goods (sugar!). Being on this team involves making coffee and keeping the café area stocked and clean.
For info, email
Toilet paper: over or under? It's your call now! Having events at Paradox means that a clean and welcoming facility is an ongoing need. Our CLEAN team volunteers throughout the week to do general cleaning tasks like vacuuming, dusting, and sweeping.
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Maybe it was the lights, music, or stage design that got your attention. If you loved something we did in a service and want to be a part of the team that creates that for others, we could use you in areas of sound, video, lighting, music, and more.
For info, email
If you love to work with your hands, you'll fit in on the team that keeps things functioning. Our Handyman team takes care of general maintenance and an ongoing list of projects around the building. The only requirements: know the difference between a hammer and a screwdriver.
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Studies show most people form their theology by age eight. Join our team on the critical mission to lead our kids toward a life with Jesus. Serve once monthly in the fun-filled room of your choice, birth through 5th grade. It's not babysitting kids; it's shaping the future.
For info, email
When you arrive at Paradox, you are pointed to a parking spot safely and efficiently, thanks to our Parking Lot team. This group spends time each week making sure our lot is clean, safe, and always has a spot available for everyone.
For info, email
Our Prayer Team provides integral support to the members who have requests and to the pastors at Paradox. The prayer team also prays with people on Sundays after service.
For info, email
Revolution is our ministry for students in 6-12th grade. Revolution utilizes those with a passion for teens to help guide, teach, and even chaperone activities.
For info, email
The Security Team keeps things safe and secure while events are happening at Paradox.
To learn more about volunteering with this team, email
Our Welcome Team members are generally the first and last faces that guests see when they visit Paradox. This team staffs the Hub, collects offering, mans the doors, answers questions, and more.
For info, email