In the first-floor lobby of Paradox Church, you'll find the Blessings Bin, our dedicated donation collection point. Each month, the collection target varies to meet different community needs. Check back here regularly for the latest updates on what items are being collected.

Thurgood Marshall Elementary-Middle School

  • hygiene bags/supplies for middle schoolers
    - toothbrushes + toothpaste
    - boys’ and girls’ deodorant
    - feminine hygiene products
    - bars of soap + washcloths

  • short-sleeve polo shirts for uniforms
    - light blue (K-5th Grade) (girls’ S, M, L) (boys’ S, M, L)
    - red (6-7th Grade) (women’s S) (men’s S)
    - navy (8th Grade) (women’s S, M, L) (men’s M)

  • coats
    - Size 5-6: 5 boys colors, 5 girls colors

    - Size 7-8: 5 boys colors, 5 girls colors

    - Size 9-10: 5 boys colors, 5 girls colors

    - Size 11-12: 5 boys colors, 5 girls colors

    - Size 13-14: 5 boys colors, 5 girls colors

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