Wednesday, February 23

Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.

Write down 5 things you’re thankful for in the last 24 hours.
WORSHIP. Pick a song from one of our Spotify Playlists and let it play in the background.
READ. Today’s scripture reading is from Romans 15:5-6, Romans 15:1-13 & 1 Peter 4:7-11
THINK. A Thought from Pastor Dave…
What’s the opposite of living to please ourselves? Living to please others. But being a ‘people-pleaser’ can be such an unhealthy way to live… so how do we live to please others instead of ourselves in a healthy way? Unhealthy people-pleasers say yes to everything, and often from a sense of obligation. They have no boundaries, so life is exhausting and any success in pleasing others is fleeting. In seeking first to please others, however, unhealthy people-pleasers fail to love (please) God first - and living to please God first is actually the secret to both live to please others AND being pleased ourselves. When we look to please God first, His pleasure gives us our greatest source of happiness and identity. When we skip first command and go right to pleasing others, their pleasure becomes our greatest source of happiness and identity. Today, find your greatest source of pleasure in God’s pleasure in you - then ask Him how you can live to please someone else today.
PRAY. Pray for yourself, a family member, a friend, someone who doesn’t know Jesus, and the nations.
LIVE. One practical way to understand and apply the Bible is the SOS method. Ask…
S: What does this passage say about God, and what does it say about me?
O: What am I being invited to obey today?
S: What can I share with those around me today?

CONNECT. Have a question, prayer request, or story? Connect with Us or reply to this text to let us know.
SHARE. Know someone who would love the Daily Focus? Invite them to text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.

Run the race with endurance today, and stay focused on Jesus.
Make it a Great One!
