Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
WORSHIP FOCUS | 5-15 Minutes
Worship can be as simple as thanking God for who He is & what He does. (Psalm 100:4)
Each day of this study, look for the #21DaysofThankfulness challenge in the Focus.
1. Write a Psalm of thanks and praise to God. Use this guide from Soul Shepherding to help.
2. Play or sing some worship music you love, or use this Thanksgiving Playlist.
SCRIPTURE FOCUS | 5-15 Minutes
Pray a simple prayer before reading, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. (John 14:26)
Today’s reading is from Matthew 15:35-37, Luke 10:21-22, John 11:14-15, John 11:38-44 & Luke 22:14-20
Highlight verses that capture your attention, and ask three simple questions as you read…
S = Say. What is the main point? What does it teach about God (Jesus) & yourself?
O = Obey. What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
S = Share. Who can you share what you’re learning with today?
One of the best ways to learn more about the Bible is by discussing it with others.
Work through this week’s Discussion Guide and meet up with a Paradox Lifegroup.
One of the greatest enemies of thankfulness in my life is self-sufficiency. From the time I was young, there has always been something in me that wants to do it myself, prove my capability, be independent, and successful. I don’t think I’m alone in that, and perhaps that’s what makes us so bad at receiving in the first place. And if you haven’t been given anything, you can hardly be expected to give thanks to anyone for anything. Strength, earning, and independence are the opposite of gratitude. If we’re going to live the full life of thankfulness, we’ll have to intentionally cultivate those things. Here’s the thing - even Jesus did! We often look at Jesus as a self-sufficent, strong, self-made man who could do anything independently from miracles to healings to powerful teachings. He literally carried the weight of the world on His back! And yet, Jesus thanked His Father in heaven all the time. Thankfulness for what he had been given multiplied what he had and led Jesus (and those around him!) to set aside striving for more and be satisfied (Matthew 15). Jesus gave credit for his knowledge and teaching to the Holy Spirit and thanked his Father in heaven for what He showed him (Luke 10). Jesus set the stage for his friends to believe in the power of God by thanking Him and giving Him glory for his power and ability when the task was impossible and all eyes were on him (John 11). And Jesus thanked God for his friends and strength from God to get through suffering. Jesus didn’t do it all on his own, and he knew it. It led Jesus to live a life of thankfulness. And as his followers, if Jesus did it we can (and should) too. - Dave Kubiak
PRAYER FOCUS | 5-15 Minutes
Prayer is a conversation that involves both talking and listening to God.
1. Try memorizing and meditating on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 during this study.
2. Read Psalm 136, pausing to reflect and pray each line. Finish each with “His love endures forever.”
SHARE THE FOCUS | 1-5 Minutes
1. Text someone a prayer/encouragement, or share a thought/question with us in the Forum.
2. Invite someone to read the Focus with you. Text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.
That’s all for today.
Stay focused on Jesus, and make it a great one!