Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
If you’re new to the Daily Focus, read this first. Use as much or as little of this guide as you’d like.
GET FOCUSED | Worship can be as simple as thanking God for who He is & what He does.
+ Practice gratitude while playing or sing some worship music, or use a playlist from Paradox on Spotify.
+ Spend a few moments in silence, meditating on today’s Old Testament scripture: 1 Kings 4:1-28
+ From your reading, finish the sentence “God, you are ___.” Take time to Thank God for the ways you’ve seen Him be/do that in the past, Worship Him for it, and Intercede (pray for) that truth for yourself and others.
MORNING PRAYER FOCUS | Prayer is a conversation that involves both talking and listening to God.
+ Pray the prayer Jesus taught his followers: the Lord’s Prayer, or pray it using this Lord’s Prayer guide.
+ Use the PRAY acronym to guide your prayer through this morning’s Psalm: Psalm 120.
P = Pause. As you start your time of prayer, begin by pausing and being still before the Lord.
R = Read. Read the Scripture Focus slowly and focus on words/phrases the Holy Spirit highlights as you read.
A = Ask. Ask God to come and speak to you. Open up your heart to Him as your heavenly Father.
Y = Yield. We want to yield our lives to the words we have prayed and commit to follow Jesus’s way.
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE FOCUS | Pray a simple prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
Today’s New Testament reading is from John 12:37-50
Highlight verses that capture your attention, and ask three simple questions as you read…
S = Say. What is the main point? What does it teach about God (Jesus) & yourself?
O = Obey. What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
S = Share. Who can you share what you’re learning with today? (see Focus on Others)
What is it that makes us want to stand well with men rather than stand well with God? Could it be that we don’t want to be different or maybe we are seeking the approval and support of those around us? It took me a while to want to walk in the ways of Jesus. I spent a lot of time seeking approval from others for what I am doing and how I am doing it. “Standing well with men” brought me tangible acknowledgement I felt from the outside-in versus the acknowledgement of God which was a more internal personal thing.I also had to learn that the accolades from mankind are more of a 'what have you done for me lately’ type of thing that you have to work harder and harder to maintain.
That is, until what I received from God felt 10x what I got from mankind - and I didn’t have to continually figure out how to raise the bar of performance to keep receiving it. God’s love and approval was there for me just because I acknowledged his existence in my life. Society’s pressure to conform to its rules and ways are what drives us away from Jesus. Even people we know who claim to be believers can put pressure on us to conform. Pressure to conform to a way of everyone moving in the same direction, not one with individuals stepping out proclaiming they know a better way. Conformity is the name of the game.
“Standing well with God” takes confidence and strength that we can only develop by being in God’s Word and walking in the winding path set before us. It won't be easy but as we strengthen our walk and practice what we are preaching, it will come to us. Eventually it becomes muscle memory where we walk in the way without even thinking about it. So where are you, standing well? With man or with God? God Loves You And So Do I - Scott Rose
EVENING PRAYER FOCUS | Re-Focus on Jesus by praying an Examen & Tending Your Heart each evening.
Replay = Replay your day. What made you happy or joyful? What made you anxious or burdened?
Rejoice = Give thanks to God for the small and the significant things from the day.
Repent = Ask God for forgiveness where you need. Receive His forgiveness afresh.
Refocus = Commit to walk with Jesus tomorrow. Ask for grace to see His presence more clearly.
+ For help or an audio prayer version, use the Lectio 365 app.
+ Practice hearing from God by asking questions like, “Father, what do you want me to know about you?” or “Father, what do you want to say about your love for me?” Simply be still and listen, or journal anything that comes to mind. Learn more about hearing from God using the Tending Your Heart guide.
+ Pray through a Ripple Prayer or use Nations Prayer to pray for the nations and those serving them.
+ Text someone a prayer/encouragement, or share a thought/question with us in the Forum.
+ Invite someone to read the Focus with you. Text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.
That’s all for today.
Stay focused on Jesus, and make it a great one!