Monday, August 28

Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
Start by playing some worship music you love, or choose from one of our
Spotify Playlists.
Journal or say out loud 3-5 things you’re thankful for in the last 24 hours.

SCRIPTURE | 5-25 Minutes
Our scripture focus for this study is
Psalm 27:7-8. Try memorizing it!
Today’s reading is Psalm 10
Ask the following questions & journal your thoughts…
1 | How is God addressed and/or described?
2 | What emotions are present in the psalm?
3 | What does the psalm say about the psalmist's circumstance?
4 | How does the psalmist describe himself?
5 | What requests are made to God?
6 | What instructions are given to the reader?
7 | What situation in my life does this psalm call to mind?

The rest of the Focus for this series will help us learn to pray using the PRAY model with the Psalms…

WORSHIP | 5-15 Minutes
Worship can be as simple as thanking God for who He is & what He’s done.
P = PRAISE: Look at your answer from question #1. Focus on that truth about who God is & thank Him for it.

PRAYER | 5-15 Minutes
Prayer is a conversation that involves both talking and listening to God.
R = REFLECT & REPENT: Look at your answer to questions #7 & #2-4. Tell God about your situation, your feelings, and how you see yourself in it. Confess any sin and admit your need.
A = ASK. Look at your answer to #5. Make your request or appeal for help to God.
Y = YIELD. Look at your answer to question #6 in light of your answer to #7. Receive, agree with and rejoice in the truth about God, yourself, or your situation, and respond accordingly. Do that now.

Lord, I feel exhausted from trying to outrun the devil yesterday. I’m ready to collapse already today. And tomorrow seems so dark. It’s all making me feel so weak. I can’t go on like this. Even as I say this, I know you’ve done so much for me. You’ve been so good, and so faithful. Remembering those things makes me long for those days. The good old days. But I can’t go backward. Help me to remember that you’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. You’re still the same God today as you were yesterday… and you’ll be the same tomorrow too. So help me to believe that and trust you. Your mercies are new every morning, and that includes today. Help me to remember that, believe that, see that and feel that today, God. I’m going to need your protection from so much - and I know there’s no better place to be than with you. I’m going to need your guidance - and I know there’s no better way than yours. I can’t take another bumpy road - so I’m trusting you, God. Lead me. Thank you that your path is level and straight. I’ll trust, follow, and serve you today. - Dave Kubiak

SHARE | 1-5 Minutes
Text someone a prayer/encouragement, or share a thought/question with us in
the Forum.
Going Deeper: Invite someone to read the Focus with you. Text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.

That’s all for today.
Stay focused on Jesus, and make it a great one!
