Wednesday, June 28

Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
Pick a song from one of our
Spotify Playlists & let it play in the background.
THANK. Write down or say out loud 3-5 things you’re thankful for from the last 24 hours.
Pray the Lord’s Prayer, a Ripple Prayer, or find more at
Our memorization & meditation focus for this study is John 1:12-13.
READ. Today’s reading is from 2 Kings 16:1-17, 2 Chronicles 28:21-25 & Isaiah 7:10-25 *Families: Read 2 Chronicles 28:21-25 with your kids.
ASK. After reading, ask the following SOS Questions & journal your thoughts.
S = Say. What is the main point? What does it teach about God (Jesus) & yourself?
O = Obey. What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
S = Share. Who can you share what you’re learning with today?
THINK. A Thought from Colleen Payton
King Ahaz was known as the King who did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord.  Scripture tells us that he performed many detestable acts, one of which he offered his son as a burnt offering to a pagan god.  He also had an altar built and took what belonged to the house of the Lord and gave it to the King of Damascus, all in hopes that the King would provide help in battle against opposing forces.  The word of the Lord came to Ahaz, asking him to request anything of the Lord from the depths of hell to the high heavens.  In other words, ask me for anything the Lord said.  Ahaz in his hypocrisy responded by saying he would not tempt the Lord and put him to the test, even though he was not doing the right thing.  He was exhibiting false humility.  As I looked at the reign of young King Ahaz, his actions were not in alignment with the will of God. All his human effort was futile, he chose evil over good. However, as I evaluated my own  faith walk, some questions began to arise.  Am I trusting in idols (money, resources or my own intellect) like King Ahaz did? Or am I putting my faith in the true and living God? Our actions may not come close to those of Ahaz, but let us learn from this passage and set our focus on walking in a manner that is pleasing to God, by faith!
TALK. That was our take - what’s yours? Share thoughts & ask questions in the forum.
SHARE. Stay focused with a friend! Invite them to text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.

Stay focused on Jesus today, and make it a great one!
