Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
Pick a song from one of our Spotify Playlists & let it play in the background.
FOCUS. Breathe in & out slowly. Pray, Jesus, you gave yourself for me. I give myself to you.
THANK. Write down or say out loud 3-5 things you’re thankful for from the last 24 hours.
WORSHIP. Read 1 Peter 2:4-8. Focus on one truth about who God is & thank Him for it.
PRAY. Pray the Lord’s Prayer, a Ripple Prayer, or find more at
READ. Today’s reading is from Mark 12
ASK. After reading, ask the following SOS Questions & journal your thoughts.
S = Say. What is the main point? What does it teach about God (Jesus) & yourself?
O = Obey. What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
S = Share. Who can you share what you’re learning with today?
THINK. A Thought from Pastor Dave
Ever been in a conversation where people are speaking in code and no one is saying exactly what everyone knows they’re talking about even though everyone knows everyone knows? Awkward. Jesus would often teach in “parables,” (or stories) to illustrate a deeper, spiritual meaning. Often, only the spiritually hungry would dig deep enough to understand, or stick around to ask. This time, though, everyone knows what’s up. The vineyard is Israel. God is the source, provider, and protector of His people. And yet the tenant farmers (religious leaders) disrespected God, who had trusted them to care for his “field” on his behalf. Everyone knows what Jesus is saying, especially the leaders. Instead of offering the harvest of their heart, soul, mind and strength out of love, they sought to have him arrested - just like the parable said. In order to keep for themselves what rightfully belonged to God - all of them, everything they had and were - they tried to get out of it by following rules. This isn’t just about money - although it certainly is about money too. If God is our source, provider, and protecter and we are God’s field - are you willing to offer the fruit of the harvest in your life back to Him? Will you disrespect Him, reluctantly appease Him with a “tax”, or willingly give back to Jesus everything you have and everything you are? As Jesus points out with the widow’s gift - God isn’t looking at how much you give, but how much you have. This is a life that honors and pleases God.
TALK. That was our take - what’s yours? Share thoughts & ask questions in the forum.
SHARE. Stay focused with a friend! Invite them to text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.
Stay focused on Jesus today, and make it a great one!