Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
Pick a song from one of our Spotify Playlists and let it play in the background.
ENTER. Write down or say out loud 3-5 things you’re thankful for from the last 24 hours.
FOCUS. Slowly breathe in… and out. Pray, Jesus, I surrender to you today and trust in you.
READ. Our Scripture Focus is 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Try memorizing it during this study!
Today’s reading is from John 12:12-50, Psalm 118:25-29 & Zechariah 9:9
ASK. After reading, ask the following SOS Questions & journal your thoughts.
S = Say. What does it say? What is the main point? What does it teach you about God (Jesus) & yourself?
O = Obey. What can I obey? What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
S = Share. What truth can I share? Who can you share what you’re learning with today?
THINK. A Thought from Bill Gaultiere (from Soul Shepherding)
The drama of Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Before we can fully appreciate Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross to forgive our sins and his resurrection, we need to appreciate Palm Sunday one week before Easter Sunday. On Palm Sunday Jesus fulfills the ancient prophecy of the Messiah and rides into Jerusalem on a donkey as crowds of people wave palm branches and sing “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!” (Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-11). People are praising Jesus Christ because of all the signs that point to him being the Messiah: good news of God’s salvation for the poor and all people, miraculous healings, the best teachings about love, and, most of all, a life of perfect love for God and all people. But here at the height of Jesus’ popularity he was actually totally alone, emotionally isolated from everyone except his Father in the heavens. On Palm Sunday no one understood Jesus — no one appreciated that he was the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 who was sacrificing his perfect life to forgive their sins. Tragically, the reason the crowds praised him was because they wanted him to be their military and political king to lead Israel to overthrow the Roman empire. When you succeed there are people who will praise you, but the excitement is short-lived. Soon you feel empty and lonely. You long to be known for who you really are and to be loved unconditionally. Jesus understands. His empathy for you moves him toward you to minister compassion and deliverance.
PRAY. Thank you Jesus for knowing us fully and accepting us! You understand how it feels to be misunderstood, overlooked, and alone. Today we bring ourselves to you, resting in your presence, and looking to you as our source of identity and life. We can come to you just as we are to receive your love and grace. Amen. *Join Paradox in The Lent Event. Learn more at, and sign up for an Hour of Prayer here. Use this Hour of Prayer Guide to help you.
WORSHIP. Join us for Holy Week & Easter Events starting with the Easter Jam today at Paradox, 10am!
TALK. That was our take on today’s reading - what’s yours? Share thoughts and ask questions in the forum.
SHARE. Stay focused with a friend! Invite them to text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.
Stay focused on Jesus today, and make it a great one!