Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.
If you’re new to the Daily Focus, read this first.
GET FOCUSED | Worship can be as simple as thanking God for who He is & what He does. (Psalm 100:4)
Spend a few moments in silence, meditating on scripture, or writing/saying 3-5 things you’re thankful for.
Play or sing some worship music you love, or use a playlist from Paradox on Spotify.
MORNING PRAYER FOCUS | Prayer is a conversation that involves both talking and listening to God.
Use the PRAY acronym to guide your prayer this morning.
P = Pause. As you start your time of prayer, begin by pausing and being still before the Lord.
R = Read. Read the Scripture Focus slowly and focus on words/phrases the Holy Spirit highlights as you read.
A = Ask. Ask God to come and speak to you. Open up your heart to Him as your heavenly Father.
Y = Yield. We want to yield our lives to the words we have prayed and commit to follow Jesus’s way.
SCRIPTURE FOCUS | Today’s reading is from John 8:31-59
Pray a simple prayer before reading, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. (John 14:26)
Highlight verses that capture your attention, and ask three simple questions as you read…
S = Say. What is the main point? What does it teach about God (Jesus) & yourself?
O = Obey. What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
S = Share. Who can you share what you’re learning with today?
"The truth will set you free" is a phrase often championed in academic circles, emphasizing the importance of intellectual freedom and the pursuit of knowledge. However, its roots extend beyond academia to John 8:32, where Jesus spoke these profound words. In its original context, Jesus isn't referring to classroom learning but to a deeper, transformative knowledge—one that leads to spiritual freedom and liberation from the bondage of sin. More than head knowledge, Jesus says that “truth” isn’t simply ideas to believe or agree to… but a person to know. Jesus says, He IS the truth, and that knowing HIM will lead to true freedom. If it is true, then, that knowing Jesus leads to freedom - and everyone wants to be free! - then the question becomes not how we can pursue freedom apart from Jesus (isn’t that what humans have done since the beginning!?), but how we can pursue knowing Jesus more. When we do, we come to understand not only the truth about who God is, but who we are too. And that is truly liberating. Knowing Jesus and our true selves in Him brings the freedom to truly be ourselves - a freedom that transcends the constraints of sin, feelings, and even our past. As we study Jesus in his own words throughout the gospel of John, make this your prayer: that we might know Jesus as he truly is, and yourself in light of that - and that the truth would set you free. - Dave Kubiak
EVENING PRAYER FOCUS | Re-Focus on Jesus by praying a Daily Examen each evening.
Replay = Replay your day. What made you happy or joyful? What made you anxious or burdened?
Rejoice = Give thanks to God for the small and the significant things from the day.
Repent = Ask God for forgiveness where you need. Receive His forgiveness afresh.
Refocus = Commit to walk with Jesus tomorrow. Ask for grace to see His presence more clearly.
*For help or an audio prayer version, use the Lectio 365 app.
1. Text someone a prayer/encouragement, or share a thought/question with us in the Forum.
2. Invite someone to read the Focus with you. Text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.
That’s all for today.
Stay focused on Jesus, and make it a great one!