Thursday, February 3

Good Morning!
Let’s focus our day by spending some time with Jesus before it begins.

Write down 5 things you’re thankful for in the last 24 hours.
WORSHIP. Pick a song from one of our Spotify Playlists and let it play in the background.
READ. Today’s scripture reading is from Luke 6:17-19
THINK. A Thought from Pastor Dave…
Paradox Church is part of a larger movement of churches throughout the world called Antioch (learn more at We’re taking 22 Days to pray together for 2022. Find today’s prayer here.

I imagine the crowd straining. Pressing in. Taking every bit of ground they could, an inch at a time. Pushing to get closer to Jesus. Finding any room to squeeze an arm through… reaching to get closer to Jesus. Calling out. Trying to get Him to turn their way. Longing for their eye to meet His. Waiting for a word that would bring life and healing. They were desperate. They wanted to get as close to Jesus as possible. Because they recognized and believed that in Him alone was life and healing. Where else could they go? The same question could be asked of us. Where else could we go for life? For healing? There’s no one else that has the power, the healing, the life that Jesus offers. Today, will be press in? Will we take every moment, every inch in our effort to get closer to Jesus? To touch Him, see Him, or hear from Him? What goal are you reaching for today? Make your first one to get closer to Jesus, no matter what. The good news is, we’ll never leave empty handed - because we’ll find Him when we seek Him with all our heart.

Worship - Join us for a night of worship and prayer to close the 22 days with the House of Prayer TONIGHT (Thursday, February 3) at 6pm at Paradox Church in Warren.

PRAY. Pray for yourself, a family member, a friend, someone who doesn’t know Jesus, and the nations.
LIVE. One practical way to understand and apply the Bible is the SOS method. Ask…
S: What does this passage say about God, and what does it say about me?
O: What am I being invited to obey?
S: What can I share with those around me?

CONNECT. Have a question, prayer request, thought, or story? Let us know! Just reply to this text.
SHARE. Know someone who would love the Daily Focus? Invite them to text “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.

Run the race with endurance today, and stay focused on Jesus.
Make it a Great One!
