Private Event Rentals
Listed fees apply to a standard event (e.g., shower, birthday party) with a duration of up to five hours and include an event host. Weddings and other large events have additional fees. Email us with any questions or to arrange a walk-through to look at the spaces.
Connect Room ($110)
Seats 30-35 people at (5) 5' round tables (each seating 6-7 people).
Also some seating along the wall, and two couches.
Two long tables along the back wall to use for food, etc.
Different seating options are possible (chairs in rows) that would accommodate a few more people. Fees may apply.
Amenities: refrigerator/freezer, sink, microwave, counter
A/V: wall-mounted TV with Apple TV (or HDMI hookup to your laptop)
Cafe ($110)
Seats 32 people at (1) long rectangle table (seats 8) and (8) square bistro tables* w/ ~24 chairs.
Different seating options are available that could accommodate up to 60-70 for an additional fee.
Cafe "bar" counter can be used for food/drinks, etc.
Amenities: mini fridge, sink, microwave, additional counter space behind the bar counter
A/V: wall-mounted TV with Apple TV (or HDMI hookup to your laptop)
Auditorium ($160)
Standard set up includes rows of chairs.
Seating: different seating options are available for an additional charge (i.e., tables and chairs)
A/V: audio and visual are available for an additional charge
Children’s Playscape Lobby ($35)
Add on our indoor Children's Playscape Lobby to your event, offering ample space for numerous kids to play freely. The area features a cushioned padded floor and is fully enclosed, ensuring safety while allowing parents to easily monitor their children through a glass wall.