Want to see change in our world? It starts in the heart, our home, our neighborhood, our school, and our community. When each of us starts right where we are, our love can go far. Join the movement!
Take the 30 Day Challenge! Choose one act of love every day, and go do it! Each week follows a theme inspired by the Sunday morning teaching series at Paradox, but there’s no need to go in order. You can even come up with your own ideas!
Day 1 // Learn more about how to BLESS Your Block. Read a few of the resources, do the LifeGroup study with a few friends, and complete the Bless Your Block Map. Learn more here.
Day 2 // Pray. Start a Prayer Calendar, Go on a Walk & Offer to Pray for People, or Host a Prayer Meeting in your school, neighborhood, or workplace. Not sure how? Find resources, ideas and daily inspiration from the Daily Focus and Seek F1RST.
Day 3 // Make a Meal for Someone. (Someone who is Sick, Had a Baby, or Just Because)
Day 4 // Rake Someone’s Leaves or Help with Yardwork - a Neighbor, Friend, Family Member, or an Elderly person.
Day 5 // Fill Bags with Snacks, Water, Toiletries & Socks to Give them to the Homeless. (You could keep them in your car for anytime you see someone in need too!)
Day 6 // Call or Text Someone You Haven’t Seen in a While. See where the Conversation Goes!
Day 7 // Sign Up to be trained with Acts of Mercy or go on an International Mission Trip. Find opportunities at paradox church.com/missions
Day 8 // Serve Warren’s many International Residents with Forgotten Harvest at paradoxchurch.com/events
Day 9 // Pray for the Nations. Sign up to receive weekly prayer updates at nationsprayer.org
Day 10 // Volunteer or Donate Resources to help Ukrainian Refugees with Acts of Mercy. Learn how at paradoxchurch.com/ukraine
Day 11 // Sponsor a child at CAMG (Creating A Mighty Generation). Learn more at camg.in and sponsor a child or donate at paradoxchurch.com/camg
Day 12 // Become a Dream Clock Member, and Commit to Watching the Videos at dreamclock.org
Day 13 // Worship with Home Church - a Brazilian Celebration on Sundays at 5pm. Learn more at homechurchnations.com
Day 14 // Download the Parent Cue App, and Spend 5 Minutes in Family Worship. Find it at paradoxchurch.com/appswelove and search for “Paradox Church.”
Day 15 // Encourage a Kid by Making a List of your Favorite Things about them and Sharing it with them.
Day 16 // Volunteer to serve with Journey Kids at Paradox. Learn more about Journey here.
Day 17 // Mentor a Kid at Central Detroit Christian or Sign-Up to Help at Camp this summer. Learn more at centraldetroitchristian.org and paradoxchurch.com/go
Day 18 // Do Something Kind for Teachers at a School (or Volunteer if you’re able.)
Day 19 // Hand it Down. Go through toys and clothes. Donate to a single mom, family in need, or shelter. Need ideas? Post it on our Facebook Group or ask us at info@paradoxchurch.com
Day 20 // Put the Phone Down. Play a Board Game, Play Outside, or Go to the Park & Make a Friend!
Day 21 // Chalk it Up. Walk around your neighborhood, and write encouraging messages on the sidewalk.
Day 22 // Start a Group on Facebook for your Neighborhood or Workplace. Plan an Event or Bring a Treat in to work/school.
Day 23 // Clean Up Trash from the Street or a Nearby Park. Invite your Neighbors to Help.
Day 24 // Give Someone a Ride Home or Offer to Carpool. Spend Time Listening.
Day 25 // Give Thanks. Write Someone an Old-School “Thank-You” Card and Deliver it.
Day 26 // Be Hospitable. Invite Someone Over for Dinner, or Host a Neighbor Night, or Progressive Dinner.
Day 27 // Intentionally Support a Small Local Business. Leave a Great Review or Share a Post about it!
Day 28 // Make a Donation at the Paradox Cafe on a Sunday morning. Every dollar makes a difference through Paradox Cares.
Day 29 // See the Need. Buy something for someone who needs it. Use our Amazon portal.
Day 30 // Raise Funds for a Cause using an Online Donation Platform. Some of our favorite partners include Central Detroit Christian, SAFE Families, Haiti Bible Mission, Creating a Mighty Generation (India), and Acts of Mercy.