Good Friday and Easter Sunday are two of the most significant events in the history of the world. And yet, with our overloaded schedules, every year we treat those two days as speed bumps in our hectic lives. We might slow down enough to go to church both days, but that’s about it. This year, we want things to be different. Since the times of the early church, Christians have used the 40 days prior to Easter - a season called “Lent” - as a time of preparation and reflection, a time to live differently. So we’ve created a few resources and and combined them into “The Lent Event” to guide you during the next 40 days. May Good Friday and Easter Sunday never be the same for you.

Over the next 40 days, we’ll be engaging in a few key spiritual practices, ways that Christians have used for the past 2,000 years to grow on their spiritual journey. You’ll be fasting, reading your Bible, praying, and journaling. Don’t let these practices intimidate you… we’ve included a guide on how to do each one of these below.


1 | Fast. Prayerfully choose how you’ll fast over lent.
2 | Pray. Make a plan for when and where you’ll pray each day.
3 | Read. Decide what Scripture you’ll read (or use one of our guides).
4 | Share.
Share your answers to these questions with a trusted friend or your Lifegroup.
5 | Journal. Keep a 40 Day Journal by writing down your thoughts and prayers each day.


  • Fasting is a spiritual practice found throughout the Bible where people give up or abstain from something (typically food) for a time to seek God. (Luke 5:33-34, Matthew 4:1-14, and Jonah 3:5-10).
    Fasting is an opportunity for you to add another layer of engaging with God through prayer. At the heart of fasting is an inherent desire we all have to seek God. In this case, it’s to experience His presence in a deeper way as He encourages and enables us, and gives strength to empower us to do what we can’t do on our own. When we attempt to deny ourselves something that we really want or that we really enjoy doing, it’s almost impossible to do simply out of our own sheer will. We need God. We want God. Fasting is a way to be with God.

  • A common idea is that we fast to get something from God. So we decide to “give something up” for God in the hope that in return we will be rewarded. It becomes for our own personal benefit. This is where we get off to a bad start. It’s all about us. Do I want to fast? What should I fast from? This self-centered thinking takes away the ability for God to lead us in our fasting. Consider the idea that our fast should be chosen by God and for the sole purpose of trusting and honoring God.It is deeply significant that in the first statement on the subject of fasting in the New Testament, Jesus dealt with the question of motive.

    When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. - Matthew 6:16-18

    You aren’t required to fast, but we hope that you may be inspired to.

  • In Isaiah 58, the classic scripture on the subject of fasting, God reminds His people that the acceptable fast is the one which He has chosen. Fasting, like prayer, must be God-initiated and God-ordained if it is to be effective. Prevailing prayer begins with God; He places upon us a burden by the Spirit, and we respond to that burden. Prayer that originates with God always returns to God. So it is with fasting. When God chooses our fast, He will not have to ask us, as He asked His people long ago, “When you fasted...did you at all fast unto me, even me?(Zechariah 7:5)

    ASK | God do you want me to fast as part of prayer journey? If so, how do you want me to set myself apart for You, to honor You and give You glory? What is Your will for this fast?

    PRAY | Lord, you know my strongholds, what consumes much of my thinking and schedule, so please guide me in what to sacrifice so there is more time and space for You? I know it will be hard, but I also know that you will use this fast to increase in me and draw me closer to You.

    SHARE | Once you think you have heard from God, write it down and share with a trusted friend so you don’t lose the thought, and you have accountability.

  • When people think of fasting, they typically picture giving up food for a certain amount of time. And while that is one way to do it, you can fast from all types of things. Here are some things God might lead you to fast from…

    MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY | Although not bad in and of itself, technology can be a source of distraction and time consuming. Fast from it by unplugging your computer, video games, or phone altogether or take a break from social media, email, or the internet, etc.
    Phone. Set it down, turn it off, or increase your “quiet time” hours.
    Social Media. Facebook, or Instagram, Pinterest, Tik Tok, or Twitter.
    TV. Skip a specific show or series or block out a specific time when you’ll turn it off. You may even want to fast binge watching, from sports or the news.

    Daily Fast. Fast one or more days a week, or intermittently (like sun up to sun down).
    Certain Foods or Beverages. Give up a particular food, food group, snack, or drink that you love, or limit yourself to only certain foods, like a Daniel Fast.
    All Food. You can skip one meal or not eat anything for an entire day/days. *Still drink water and make sure you are healthy enough to fast.

    WORDS |
    Turn it off completely or at a certain time, like when you’re driving.
    Negativity. No criticism, grumbling, or complaining. Replace it with encouragement.
    Silence. Choose to be quiet for a period of time.

    SELF |
    Give up manicures, pedicures, or massages. Or haircuts/hair treatments.
    Simplicity. Fast from unnecessary spending, buying clothes, or a certain possession.
    Walk the Extra Mile. Commit to taking a walk, the stairs, or parking further away.

    Fast from dining out, movies/theatre, events, or even sex (if your partner agrees).
    Solitude. Carve out time(s) to simply be alone without any distractions.

  • There are no rules to follow but here are some suggestions…

    If you choose to fast from some form of entertainment, media, or technology, you could do so for just one day per week during Lent or give it up altogether from now until Easter. Some people utilize Sundays as a celebration day and choose to only engage then. (There are 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Traditionally, Sundays have not been counted, making Lent 40 Days.) 

    If you choose to fast from food, there are a few ways to do it. If you give up all food for an entire day, you may want to do that just a few times during Lent. If you fast from one meal out of the day, you may want to do that once a week. If you give up a certain food, snack, or drink, it may be best to give it up for all 40 days.

  • Whatever you decide to fast from, take the time you would normally spend in that activity to love God and others. Here are a few ideas…
    Take a walk. Get outside to pray, meditate on scripture, or be silent.
    Journal. Write your thoughts and prayers.
    Read Scripture. Individually or as a family.
    Be with Others. Join a Lifegroup, make plans or play with your kids.
    Serve. Bless a neighbor. Serve the church. Volunteer in the community.
    Give. Make a difference by giving away what you would have spent.

Desire for other things - there’s the enemy. And the only weapon that will triumph is a deeper hunger for God. The weakness of our hunger for God is not because he is unsavory, but because we keep ourselves stuffed with “other things.” Perhaps, then, the denial of our stomach’s appetite for food might express, or even increase, our soul’s appetite for God.
— John Piper


  • Learning to pray is a lifelong process. You’ll never be an “expert,” and there are many ways to do it. During this season of Lent, create a regular prayer “rhythm” by deciding when, where, and even who/what you will pray for ahead of time. If having a scheduled time of prayer is new to you, start by praying just five minutes per day and then go from there.

    When. Starting your day with prayer is one of the best things you can do. If you’re new to prayer, start there. Throughout history, followers of Jesus have added additional times of prayer throughout the day. If you’re looking to take a next step, add a noon/afternoon and/or evening prayer time.

    Where. Get away from distractions to pray. Get comfortable in your favorite seat (or stand up if you’re tired!) Set the phone down. Leave your desk if possible. Get outside to take a walk, or turn the music off in the car.

    Who & What. Use the Lent Daily Prayer Guide or one of the tools at to help you pray. You can also create a prayer calendar or do a “ripple” prayer, thinking through the different circles in your life.

  • Prayers aren't empty words hurled at the sky. They're conversations. In fact, they're the most important conversations of our lives. While you can always pray on your own about anything that’s on your mind, there is great power in people uniting in prayer. This Lent, we’ll be praying together in the following ways...

    FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 1 // Join Antioch churches all over the world for a 3 Day Prayer and Fast for Unity, culminating in a Night of Prayer & Worship and a shared meal at Paradox on Wednesday, March 1. Here are a few short points to pray for the nations…
    Pray for the lost in the nations | Ask Jesus to move in power in every nation, setting spiritual captives free and awakening them to His love.
    Pray for the Church in the nations | Pray that in every nation, Jesus will set a fire in believers’ hearts, moving them toward each other in unity and toward the lost in compassion.
    Pray for our teams in the nations | Ask Jesus to fill our international church-planters with His power and joy, and pray that He will take over their efforts and transform their cities.

    MARCH 2 - MARCH 31 // Pray through the Daily Prayer Guide together, themed “Surrender To Jesus.” In unity with the Antioch Movement, we want to “drop our oars” and ask Jesus, the Captain of the Ship, to come and take the lead in every area of our lives. For more explanation on this be sure to listen to the Passion and Purpose podcasts with Jimmy Seibert titled “letting go of the oars”.

    APRIL 2 - APRIL 8 // We’re encouraging everyone to devote an hour to prayer during Holy Week. Use one of the prayer resources to guide you. *New to this? Use the “An Hour Alone w/ God” Video

  • Daily. Choose a prayer rhythm by setting a time and place.
    February 27 - March 1. Antioch International Prayer & Fast for Unity
    March 1. Night of Prayer & Worship w/ Dinner at Paradox
    March 2 - March 31. 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting (Weekdays Only)
    *Use the Daily Prayer Guide
    April 2-8. Week of Prayer
    *Sign up for a 1 Hour Prayer Slot
    April 7. Good Friday Service 7pm at Paradox

For years I resisted a regular routine of prayer, believing that communication with God should be spontaneous and free. As a result, I prayed infrequently and with little satisfaction. Eventually, I learned that spontaneity often flows from discipline.
— Philip Yancey


  • Before you begin to read, acknowledge that Jesus is present with you… As you read, certain ideas may strike you. You may be moved in reading about God’s love, or feel convicted about some sin, or be prompted to take some course of action. Be open to the possibility that God is really speaking to you through his word. (from The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg)

    It’s a good idea to know what you’re going to be reading each day before you begin. If you need a plan, see below. As you read the selected passage from the Bible each day, here are some questions to guide your thinking.

    SOS Method
    S: What does this passage say about God, and what does it say about me?
    O: What am I being invited to obey?
    S: What can I share with those around me?

    Discovery Bible Study
    What is the main point of this passage?
    What does it teach you about God (Jesus)?
    What does it show you about people, or yourself?
    What can you apply (practice) from this passage today?
    Who can you share this with today?
    How did you do practicing and sharing what you learned yesterday?

    As you read and reflect on what you read, use your journal to capture your thoughts and answers to these questions.

    Before you finish, choose a single piece of Scripture - one “thought” of God’s - that you will live with for one day. .. Take, for example, Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. For one day, live with these words. Let your mind continually return to them in secret. “Today, as best I can, I am going to be still. I am not going to chatter thoughtlessly. I will remember that I don’t have to defend myself or make sure people think of me the way I want them to.” (from The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg)

  • This Lent, we’re reading through 1 & 2 Chronicles together. Find the study at or sign up for a daily text by texting “FOCUS” to (586) 200-6277.

    You may want to add or substitute the selections from the Daily Prayer Guide reading. There is one page in this journal for each day. Simply look up the passage listed at the top of the page for the day you are on. The important thing here is to read prayerfully - slowly enough to think about and absorb what you are reading. You may even want to read through a few times!

If we feed our souls regularly on God’s Word, several times each day, we should become robust spiritually just as we feed on ordinary food several times each day, and become robust physically.
— David Watson


  • Find someone to share your plans with for accountability, encouragement, and support. Share something simple, like…
    This Lent, I am fasting from (what) and praying (when). Will you pray for me?

    While you can go through this journey during Lent by yourself, we believe life change happens best in the context of community. Therefore, we hope everyone locks arms with others during Lent… whether that’s with a Lifegroup, your family, or a good friend. That way, you can share what you’re learning and experiencing over the next 40 days with others.

  • Sharing where you need breakthrough and having others pray for you during the fast is THE BEST community building experience. As we’ve prayed and fasted over the years, God’s shown us more of who He is and done more than we could ask or imagine.

    Here are a few ways you can pray with others this Lent…
    Find a Prayer Partner. Ask how you can be praying for them, and share how they can be praying for you.
    Respond in Prayer. We have a prayer team that would love to pray with you every Sunday morning at Paradox. Just walk-up and ask!
    Pray with Others. Take some time to pray out loud together with your partner, as a family, in Lifegroup, or over lunch with co-worker.
    House of Prayer. Join Paradox in prayer every Sunday at 9am.

    How can we pray with you? Let us know at

  • One of the best ways to hear God and see answered prayer is journaling. At the end of each day, sit down to reflect and write out your prayers. What are you thankful for, thinking about, or feeling? What were your highs, lows, and experiences? Where did you sense God’s presence? What question(s) are you asking God?

    Not sure how to hear God? Not sure how to hear God? Find messages from the Sunday Morning preaching series, Whisper.

    What is God saying and doing as you fast and pray this Lent? We’d love to celebrate with you. Let us know at


Mon, Feb 27 - Wed, Mar 1

Wednesday, March 1 (6pm)


March 2-31

Monday - Friday, April 2-7